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League of Women Voters of Arlington Heights-Mt. Prospect-Buffalo Grove is a tax-exempt organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our Federal tax ID is #23-7056670. 

Contact Us

League of Women Voters of Arlington Heights-Mount Prospect-Buffalo Grove-Wheeling-Prospect Heights-Elk Grove Village
9 South Elmhurst Rd.
PO Box 318,
Prospect Heights IL, 60070
Copyright © 2021 • All Rights Reserved • Terms of Use Privacy Policy • Powered by ClubExpress
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Join Today!

Joining League of Women Voters is a great way to get involved in your community and play an active role in our democracy.  League of Women Voters of Arlington Heights - Mt Prospect - Buffalo Grove area (LWV-AH-MP-BG) has proudly served 6+ communities for decades.

Your Membership supports our Core Mission

League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, grassroots nonprofit dedicated to empowering everyone to fully participate in our democracy. Join us and become a part of the solution!

 Mission Vision Values (600 x 300 px)

By joining, you are adding your voice to a powerful force of members from across all 50 states!

Who can be a member of League?

Our League is open to anyone regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or ethnic group.

How Much Does A Membership Cost?

Membership is now a "pay what you can" model. The recommended dues amount is $75, but you can pay whatever amount works for your personal financial situation. The minimum amount is $20.  For a no questions asked sponsored membership, please contact our Membership Director at

New Members Join Here >>

How Much Time Does League Take?

It's up to you! Many members choose to support League only with their annual dues. Your membership alone gives us the influence needed to build a voice for citizens and become a force for change. If you wish to get more involved, our League has many opportunities.

LWV-AH-MP-BG Memberships

Membership in LWV-AH-MP-BG includes membership in the Cook County, Illinois State, and National Leagues.

It also includes membership in the Inter-League Organizations of Lake Michigan Region and Upper Mississippi River Region.

Inter-League Organizations (ILOs) are formal LWV organizations recognized by the LWV United States. ILOs are established because their members recognize the need to work together at the regional level to most effectively and responsibly solve problems that transcend political boundaries.

  Are you looking to renew or update your profile?

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Renewal is now done on the LWV national level
 through their portal.

Current members will receive a renewal reminder from when their membership is about to expire.

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Click on the LWV National Portal link to renew.


NEW with LWV National Portal:  If you include a donation with your membership dues, the amount you donate will be split with the national League, the state League and our local League.

If you wish to have 100% of your donation go to our local League, then use one of these two options:

  • When paying in the LWV National portal, there will be a separate page for donations called Additional Membership Contributions that will 100% go to our local League. Please list your donation amount on this page instead of the Join or Renew Your Membership page.
  •  Donate through our LWVAH website. All donations made here will 100% go to our League.



Profile updates are now done on the LWV national portal.

Updates to your basic member information (name, address, email, etc.) are also done through the LWV National Portal.


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Click on the LWV National Portal link to update your profile information.

For more detailed Information on the new membership management system through LWV National, please refer to this
Transition FAQ Document.