Join Today
Joining League of Women Voters is a great way to get involved in your community and play an active role in our democracy. Your membership supports our mission.
Are you a current member looking to renew?
Current members will receive an email notice when their membership is about to expire with information about renewing your membership. Please click on the Member Login button and begin the renewal process.
Thank you for renewing and supporting our mission!
Who can be a member of League?
Our League is open to anyone regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or ethnic group.
Levels of Membership
Emerging Leader membership is for our youngest members - up to age 26. Primary Membership is for all others. When selecting a Primary Membership, there are several different levels of support to pick from.
In our effort to keep your information safe, you will be asked how you want your information shared when you join. You can opt to have it seen by all of our League members or only the administrators. This information will not go beyond League uses unless you otherwise authorize.
LWV-AH-MP-BG Memberships
Membership in LWV-AH-MP-BG includes membership in the Cook County, Illinois State, and National Leagues.
It also includes membership in the Inter-League Organizations of Lake Michigan Region and Upper Mississippi River Region.
Inter-League Organizations (ILOs) are formal LWV organizations recognized by the LWV United States. ILOs are established because their members recognize the need to work together at the regional level to most effectively and responsibly solve problems that transcend political boundaries.